Logon w/ email does not work - Android app 2.0.0

Not sure where problem reports should go on the new site. So I am putting it here.
I can not logon with the new Android App [version 2.0.0 (37)] using my email. I keep getting a “Logon failed” message when entering my email and password. When I click “forgot password” it does send me a code. I enter the code and get a screen to enter a new password. I am able to do that successfully, I get a “Successfully changed” message. But when I try to logon using my email and newly created password I get a “Logon Failed” message. Tried this several times. No joy. I did try creating a new account, but it tells me my email is already taken, so the account seems to still exist. I can logon via Google however. That is my work-around for now. So no urgency on my side.

There is a newer version 2.0.1. (38). I don’t have the issue you described with that version.

Thanks, I just applied that update and gave it a try. Logon with correct email/password still fails with Android app Version 2.0.1 (38).
I’m using a Google Pixel 7 Plus, with Android version 13.
Logon with Google still works fine.

Sometimes this is an issue where we have to clear the app’s cache data - but to make sure I point you in the right direction, can you email us info@bryghtlabs.com. That way we can make sure to track the issue and forward you along to the app developers if they need to clear something.