Play while Charging? Extra pieces

Hello Chessup team. First of all, I’ve been enjoying the board from day one after all the recent patches. My board has been working flawlessly. No issues with the board of app (so far, fingers crossed). My board stays in my room, on my desk and I have no plans on moving it anywhere anytime soon.

With that said, is there any harm with using the Chessup board while staying connected to a charger 24/7? Will this cause battery swelling or any tyupe of failure? I’m asking only because it seems like I need to charge the battery every two days or so and charging does take a while, even with a 60w charger.

Will the Chessup shop have individual pieces / set we can buy one day in case pieces go bad or wear out in the future?

Thanks Guys!


The charger is in the board. We connect a power supply to the board but the charging is handled internally from the power supplied, limited by the charger if the power available exceeds what the charger can use. The charge rate in the board doesn’t seem very high but there is also very little heat generated (which is good and important). It takes a while to charge to full (function of the charger itself), but can get to a usable charge quite quickly. These are charger characteristics that are part of the board and chosen for many reasons, all part of the CC/CV fun of polymer battery charging.

It’s best for the battery life if you use it a bit and charge it when necessary. Keeping it constantly plugged in is not dangerous as the charger has safety functions that do not allow over charging, but it is a bit taxing on battery overall life. I play my board until it gets to about 25% charge and then charge up again, unplugging when the light is green.

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That’s also my question. Do these pieces wear out over time? I don’t know how they work but I assume it has to do with the color finish on the pieces. Does it come off or does the regognition of the pieces get worse over time?

I don’t think it will be the colour, more likely something like an NFC chip built into the piece that identifies it.

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Yes, but I mean the light feature of the squares when touching the piece. That has to do with the color on the outside of the piece.


You can charge and play. And stop charging while playing. Also leaving it charges while sleeping is no problem. But leaving it 24/7 that I wouldn’t do mysef.
It has an build in battery protector. And you need to use the battery for it’s lifespan.
This is my personal opinion.

The pieces won’t wear off for many years. And the chip is build into the pieces so no worries there.

For the loose pieces I think if anyone send an email to them and ask if you can buy a piece that it ok. Jeff and the team help anyway they can trust me :wink:

I would doubt the physical colour has any impact - it’s the chip identifying the piece that will trigger everything.

Hey, I saw some squares light up or flicker when it was charging and I was playing, but it’s fine once I unplug it.

But how would a piece know if it was touched. It has to be something on the outside of the piece. The chip only knows when a piece is moved to a new square. But when a piece is touched there must be some small electric current or so.

Well I am guessing it’s like a touch lamp or something. In any case the pieces seem solid, and not painted/coated, as I am not going to worry about them expiring for a while. Need to worry about my game :wink:

Works just like a touchscreen, I had a faulty queen, opened it up, and underneath the felt is a chip and then a hollow shell.

You can operate it plugged in, including for long periods, but leaving it plugged in 24/7 is not ideal. The battery has built in protection, but I am not sure if the battery will retain full performance is left at max charger for like 1 year straight.

Might cause diminished battery performance

No - If the piece is working well now - it will work for decades. The pieces will outlive all of us

The pieces do not age in terms of the electronics. The felt wears out is all.