Shipping to Europe

Does anyone know when shipping to Europe will take place for ChessUp 2?

Thanks in advance.

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Container is almost near Moroco right now and is expected to arrive in Rotterdam 16th of December, then it should take a couple of days to retrieve all the units and dispatch them to their wharehouse on which they’d be packed and shipped through Fedex

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On a thread, someone in Germany (well, he has a German flag) says his should be arriving today.

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I got a mail today, telling me the label had been created today, together with a tracking number from FedEx.
They have not received the package yet unfortunatly, so it might be on the mentioned ship.
I’m in Norway by the way.

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Some are air freight shipments - those are packing this week (some packed last night)

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If anyone in europe wants to be added to air freight, just email with the subject “air europe”


Just got an update from FedEx.
They have received my package and scheduled delivery day is Friday this week. Did not expect this, but couldn’t be happier!
(I still live in Norway:)

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Thanks everyone for your response :+1:

roct73 Sounds great :+1: I hope you get it very soon.
We are almost naboers. I’m in Denmark :blush:

Lets see if I will get mine before Christmas, I doubt it.

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Then you’re even closer to shipping location. My chessboard shipped from the Netherlands, and it is supposed to arrive 5 days (I hope) from I received the mail from FedEx until It is here in Norway. Since you live closer, there is still a very good chance you get it before Christmas :smiley: I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you :crossed_fingers:

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Maybe you are right, and thanks :blush:

But maybe they are shipping in order date!
I ordered mine on the 10 of November.

I ordered mine the 14. of November, or that’s when I got the confirmation on mail. I don’t know if there was anything extra that I paid for to get it earlier , but I don’t remember doing that.
Maybe I paid for air freight.

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I just received an email!

My order is on its way :+1::blush:


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This may be confusing but I am expecting my order to be delivered to the UK, however, I am going away for Christmas (16th Dec - 27th Dec). Is it possible to get it relocated to Bulgaria instead so that it arrives in that time frame?

Alternatively, shall I just wait until I return on the 27th?


Hi Jeff,

I initially understood that delivery was to be with boat (i’m from France), but i sent an email yesterday to see if it’s possible to get it earlier with air freight. Should i get a response from the email or i just need to wait the email from FedEx ?

Thanks for all of your work !


I haven’t received any shipping or tracking information so far. I’m in Belgium. Is this normal?

Cargo ship arrives Dec 16th and then we expect to ship Dec 20/21.

We have some air freight that arrives Dec 18th and will ship some from that as well.


Awesome! Thanks Jeff! I saw some people saying they received theirs so I was a bit confused and thought maybe I missed an update or email.

Thanks for the update Jeff!
Does this mean that air freight will be sent 2 days later than cargo?
Or that air freight will not be faster than cargo?
I have signed up for the air freight (Poland) list, but it turns out that the holiday season is so tight that it will not speed up the shipment anyway…
I am out for Christmas between 25-29 of December so I hope that FedEx policy provides for at least two or three attempts to deliver the parcel if they do not find someone at home at that time and do not send the parcel back :slight_smile:
Best Regards!