Stockfish wont go away , cant get internal AI to play

Just got my CU2 yesterday. First game i tried the internal bot ( 1- 12 levels ) Worked fine. Then the system did another update. ( the first initial update was when i hooked up the wifi connection. Since then , i haven’t been able to pull up the internal AI . All i get is the option for playing against stockfish ( level 1 - 30 ) Don’t know if im doing anything wrong or if there’s a glitch. Also , i don’t see a way to turn off wifi . going to settings, my wifi shows up as connected, but i cant turn it off ?! - is this true ?? hopefully someone can jump in and help . thanks .

The internal BOTs with level 1-12 were very weak. Glad they fixed that. Why don’t you want to play one of the 30 levels? Way more to chose from and also an option for better players. Level 12 prior to the latest update was not really a challenge and so the internal BOTs were pretty much useless. Now it is great.

The same ai levels are there - they are levels 1-11 in that flow.

Its not that i dont prefer stockfish , its about noticing that the internal AI isnt showing. Now if an update has just made that obsolete, then that’s a different matter and something im not made aware of. i just wanted to find out why the Internal Ai isnt showing. thanks for responding. appreciated

Hey jeff, thanks for responding. i just want to know where the internal AI went to . Did a software update change or eliminate it? . thanks Roger

To find the old Ai:

Go to Play Bots–>Ai Strength 1-11 is the old Ai.

You can verify this by disconnecting WiFi. And those are still there.

All we did is add levels 12-25, which use stockfish. Levels 1-11 are our Ai

Thanks,- that makes sense. I did notice that the first 11 levels it just says ELo , then at level 12 it starts saying Stockfish Elo … Just my luck that the update happened one day after I got it, just to make me wonder. :laughing:

Is there a stockfish update coming for the original board?

Which stockfisch version is currently used for levels 12 - 25?

ChessUp 1 has always had stockfish access in the app and that is still there. You can play against varying levels of it by setting up the game through the app.

Stockfish 17

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I apologize. I was talking about what I recall reading which was that true on board AI was getting an improvement so the app was not needed.