Why does the board only allow us to play up to a level 12 bot?
The built in hardware is limited in strength.
We will be improving this in our March firmware updates.
I thought if we were connected to WIFI we were using stockfish?
As I understand it, the assistance feature will use cloud Stockfish on WiFi, but the onboard bots themselves do not. But you can play against Chesscom bots of all strength levels.
Correct. And the on board bots are getting replaced with a stronger embedded engine soon.
Note - Assistance should be run with WiFi.
Jeff, I read in another topic about reducing the AI assistance levels (6 to 3) for the CU2. Will this also happen for the CU1 (App/embedded)?
Is there any overview what ELO level is matching what bot level? (does not need to be accurate, just a rough indication)
Having played a number of games against the built in bots, I’d guestimate that level 12 is not more than ~1200 ELO. So, maybe 100 points per level?
We actually went back to 6 levels - ChessUp 2 and ChessUp 1
For the built in bots, yes this is correct.
This will be updated soon to go up to 1800~2000.
The online bots go up to 3000+