I spent $13 on this lazy susan and i place the board on it so when i get paired with someone online i can quickly spin the board around without knocking pieces over. I thought i might not like that the board can swivel at any moment, but it actually stays still while playing a game. Just thought i’d share it with the community.
Perfect - I need one of these too. Currently a put the ChessUp on a small cabinet on wheels but it is clumsy to turn.
No issues whatsoever. Use it every time I play.
Yep bought something very similar 2 days ago and it works a treat
I bought this too and it works well. To protect the bottom of the board I dressed it with the same material as the bottom of the chess pieces.
Where do you get that material ? @Criptix
Online here in belgium. It’s sticky one side and the green on the other.
Cool , you have a link for that ?
I had this at home long before I bought this lazy Suzan. Haven’t got the info no more.
@Jeff how is this Fabric called underneat the pieces in English?
@Criptix we call it felt.
Then I would use: https://www.bol.com/nl/p/plakvilt-zelfklevend-vilt-1mm-dik-circa-40-x-120-cm-groen/9300000151086513?referrer=socialshare_pdp_androidapp
PBK_Studio Thx for info!