Trouble Playing Bots


Just tried to play against Arthur bot on he will play the first move, D4. I will respond with D5 and then he freezes and does not play another move on the board… I have tried exiting and resetting and he does the same thing. Not sure if it is an issue on’s end.

I tried against the Emir Bot, it made me play White, and after I played E4, he also does not respond on the board.

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Is it with any other bots or just Emir?

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So far it’s been Arthur, Emir and now Martin. Basically every bot I try won’t play past move one

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I dont know how much it can help or not, but I am not having any of those issues, both with black and white.

Might be something on your end.

I tested against a coach bot on and all went fine from start till finish.

When I restarted the board and tried again with Coach Danny, it worked… weird

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I’ve seen this too. Failed consistently when playing against whichever bot I tried. After turning the board off for a few minutes and then back on again it worked as expected.

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The old “shut down, reboot” - will fix a lot.

We will work on finding why that is and get it smoother. Glad it is up and running for you now