Using the color coded assistance

I’ve got a couple of questions about using the color coded assistance in ChessUp 2.

  1. I’ve use it in both 2 player games and games with the built in bots on the ChessUp 2 board. Does it work in any other modes like playing bots?
  2. What engine does it use for the move recommendations? Is it the built in engine at level 12 (strongest on the board w/o the app), or something else? I’m asking because after playing a number of games against the built in engine at level 12 I’d guess that the strength is around 1000-1300. This is fine for playing a game, but not great for analyzing a position for the best move.
  3. What engine is the built in bot? Is it Stockfish?

When on WiFi the assistance come from Stockfish running in the cloud - really strong, super GM level.

When disconnected, we have to overhaul our built in engine - one of the updates in the works. It is currently quite weak.


Even if Internet mine is absolutely weak. In board editor, but also in 2 players mode or against a bot. Every assistant is bad. Maybe I read smt wrong but I thought this is an known issue?

Same here.

I maxed out every setting and the engine is super weak!
Didn´t check the Bots.

Best Ben bots are strong. I lost spectacularly to the legend José Raúl Capablanca.

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I just draw a game and after that I wanted to analyse it with the board editor.

That was the suggested move (see pictures).

Again, I maxed out all the settings and were online all the time.

Best Ben

I did an experiment playing against the built in bot at level 12 and using the highest level of assistance with the board connected to wifi. I only made the “best” moves recommended on the board (there is only one green move). This easily checkmated the level 12 bot in an endgame with rooks and bishops still on the board. Only one game, but the AI assistance does seem stronger than the built in bots.

The Ai hooked to board editor is not the final board editor Ai- it will be hooked to stockfish running on a cloud server (strong) when the board editor flow is finished.

The one it is using now is like our 600 ELO bot. Temporary - board editor setup is getting a huge overhaul

What about the other assistance like in the 2 player mode?

That is hooked up to cloud stockfish currently.