I’m thinking about buying ChessUp.
But I want to know if I can see the colors used, for assistant for example.
I have deutan color blindness (also known as deuteranomaly).
About 8% of men have some count of collorblindness.
Can I see what colors are used maybe in a video please. Ore some foto’s of all the colors used?
I’ve seen a few videos on Youtube that show the colors occurring as they talk about it and play matches.
Here’s one from ChessUp: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NbBbQu5MxEA
Hey there fellow colorblind friend,
i am a deuteranomalian (pretty strong lack of differentiation between red and green) as well and I’m actually struggling with the colors on the board.
From my perspective this could be a quite simple update to the software.
For now I need my wife to confirm colors, quite annoyingly.
But I hope for an according update any time soon.
@Chessup: This could be as simple as setting some variables representing the colors of a field in a certain state to a user-selected value right? Shouldn’t be much of a deal?
Thanks for the video link.
I think I can see the three colors used (green, blue and red), for the dark squares. I would like to see how they look on the light squares, to know if I can diffentiate the colors.
I’m not sure this is the right thread to ask but I really like the dark theme. How could I switch to dark theme on the ChessUp app (on Android) ? Thanks in advance
Thanks Jeff,
I’m still a bit confused if I can see all the colors.
In this example I can see that f1 is purple, e2 and d3 are blue, b5 is green.
I can not really see the colors but once I know it, I can remember it. And as I understand it, I only have to remember 4 colors, for the assistance, (purple, green, blue and red). They look different on the white and on the black squares so I have to remember 8 colors in total.
A suppose the square c4 is red, but I cannot see it.
c4, b3 and a4 look al the same for me.
Also in this example on the dark squares.
What is the color on the square’s d8 and f8, I guess bleu?
And what is the color on e7? Shouldn’t the color on e7 be red, because the white Queen can capture the black queen there.
I would be nice to have some option to adjust the colors to someone’s likings ore needs for color blind people.
Since this went for quite a while without a response, here’s my demonstration of the various colours on both the dark and light squares. For this purpose, the room was well-lit with 2700K “warm white” LEDs.
First, the piece setup prompt: the white pieces on the white correspond to squares lit in blue, and the black pieces on the left have their squares lit in green. The button and indicator icons on the bezel are lit in corresponding colours.
After placing the pieces, I can lift pawns off the board to show you the purple square showing their start position, contrasted with blue (for the queen’s pawn) and green (for the king’s pawn) advance squares:
Finally, a video clip showing assistance from an early position in the Opera Game: