Will auto-abort in…

I appreciate the new auto-abort notification on the board with 2.5 but I’m just wondering if this is coming from chess.com or something programmed into the board?

Specifically, if the disconnection error occurs where one of my moves isn’t registered on chess.com will I see an auto-abort message counting down under my name or under their name as the board thinks it’s their clock that’s counting down as it failed to register my move on chess.com

Similarly if their move doesn’t register and so their clock is counting down on my board will that auto-abort come up under my name or their name?


In our research of abandoned games, we found that sometimes people were taking too long to move and in that situation chess.com would have warned you on web or app.

So we asked for an official notice in the API and Chess.com provided it to us. Both for the opponent and player.

However, this does not 100% address the player lost move issue, which turns out to be many many things (players logging in elsewhere, players not moving in time, and still some bugs on our end as well). We are still finishing all the improvements.

We are:

  • adding abort warnings (you see above)
  • adding logged in elsewhere warnings (coming soon)
  • resolving remaining desync issues of which there where several odd situations. We are fixing a couple with each release and will be resolved fully soon.

Thanks for the detailed explanation - makes sense, luckily I haven’t had a disconnection in about a week so seems to be fine at my end now :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks for all the great work ironing out the kinks and adding features