I understand this isn’t specifically a Chessup2 question but I’d be interested in hearing people’s thoughts on it.
I find I’ll often be winning a game (not that often) and rather than resigning an opponent will just abandon the game, leaving me sitting there waiting for a long time for the game to end/them to move. Because of the current disconnection issue on the board (that the guys are working hard to fix) when this happens I find I’m constantly checking my phone to see if in fact I’m the one that’s about to lose due to a disconnection on the board so it goes from a happy winning position to the stress that I may have disconnected
Out of curiosity do other people see this a lot online as well where an opponent doesn’t resign but just abandons the game and is this a known way to wind up your opponent rather than resigning?
Apologies if this is a topic covered a lot on other chess boards but this is the only one I’m on
What I’m curious about is how the board handles when people leave.
For instance, when the opponent leaves/disconnects on lichess, after a few secs, it lets you either claim a victory or a draw. How does this reflect on the board? Would be interesting to discover it.
I think on chess.com when the opponent abandons the game it will automatically give you the victory after a few seconds. But again not sure how this works on the board. Another interesting thing to discover.
The final scenario I can think of is when your opponent stalls until they flagged. In that case I think there’s very little we can do besides reporting them for stalling games.
On chess.com I think it’s maybe 60 seconds within first few moves, but deep into the game it’s a lot longer. I just finished a game on the chessup2 board where his clock counted down from 9 minutes to 0 before I got the win
I know that there is no speaker on the board but would it be an option (if possible at all) to be able to enable a notification on the connected smartphone/tablet when an opponent make a move. I am not too sure about how this idea may be done. I mean, I don’t know, if an opponent make a move after thinking for x time. Or just a a button on the board to enable a notification like one time.
Maybe it is just stupid but I know that it is really frustrating to have a winning position and have to wait like for 10 minutes in front of the board in case the opponent make a move in the last minutes/seconds of the game and so you lose because you are away.
Someone tried to catch me out with this a few days ago, I was in a far superior position and he let his last 15 mins countdown and only made a move with 5 seconds to go in the hope I was gone - not knowing I was an gluten for punishment and still sitting there waiting for him
Long games are therefore not playable online. I prefer to use the bots. Even if everything works perfectly, there are always people who just let the time run out. 15+10 is my pain threshold for online games. Translated by google
Is it considered bad enough behaviour to report it? It’s clearly to wind up the other person but couldn’t see it being enough for them to get a warning
bots have very unhuman playing style. for example, attacking chess is excellent against players but bot can always find only defense and in most complex positions but then blunders on position where human would never blunder just to give you a chance to win because of difficulty settings. there is no gaming element against bots, so it is not fun at all imho