2-player rated games

First post here. Got the board delivered this week. Very cool so far

My 3 sons and I all have chess.com accounts. Ive connected my account to the board, but how do I play a local two player game where both of us are signed in to our chess.com accounts we can analyze the games? Thanks

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Jeff said this will be a feature in the future on this thread.


A couple of items we have to do here:

  1. multiple accounts easily switched in one board. That is on the ChessUp team to do

  2. multiple accounts playing 2 player OTB and the game showing up in both Chess.com profiles. This is something we are working out with Chess.com - not as simple as one would hope. But very well known on the value of the feature, so it will get done with time.

We also want to push for rated OTB play - but that was not in the original scope so TBD if we get it. We will push.