I will go soon in vacations with my chess board in a place with no connection. I would like to know if I could play OTB WITH the app without internet (to get a 5 or 6 level assist)?
The assistance does not depend on internet - so it should be fine. The chess engine runs locally on the phone.
You can test it by going into airplane mode with wifi off as well (but keep bluetooth on).
I don’t think there is anything blocking app startup, but maybe something overlooked (like trying to pull old games and a crash).
I will ask the devs as well
Thanks Jeff for your answer. I tried with airplane mode ON and I am not able to start the app.
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When the airplane mode is off, the opening of the app is ok with the same ID and password . It seems that the app needs internet to startup. Is it possible to modify this?
Airplane mode turns off Bluetooth which is required to connect to the board. If you turn on Airplane mode then switch on Bluetooth, does it connect?
the app can’t start when airplane is ON (even if bluetooth is ON).
Ok - this will be on the list to fix.
I am on iPhone (iOS 16.5).