Hi there,
I think this board is a great tool to learn openings. I like to select level 5 or 6 for assistance on both sides, start an OTB game, and check for various lines with the board. Unfortunately, I experienced a small bug in the assistance: when I take back a move (on the App with the undo button or on the board) The strength of the assistance drops significantly: it is no longer a 3000 ELO assistance, but more back to 1200 I would say, as if the board was on its own… But it is still connected!
Has anybody already noticed that? Am I doing something wrong?
After a few tries, I have noticed the drop lasts only for one move. After that, the consistency seems to be back! So, really a minor bug.
I am so lucky to own one of these boards
What platform are you running on? IOS? Andriod?
IOS platform
That seems to be a bug - thanks for reporting