2 player OTB clocs are available with the hint limit option (users request).
Just out of curiosity what is the hint limit and how do you use it? I’ve just turned in on and can’t make sense of it.
Also when playing 2 player with a clock it seems you are unable to take moves back but still works fine with no time. This maybe intended but just thought I would say incase it is not.
I found the explanation of the Hint Limit in the ChessUp 1 documentation: Hint Limit - ChessUp Knowledge Base.
Nice update!
Hint limit would probably be worth mention in patch notes also, though
One thing I’d like to have is the hint limit and timers on offline bot mode also, but I’m fairly certain this is something that’s going to wait at least until bots are getting updated later on.
This is a great feature! I didn’t know about it. I played a game with my wife with hints on and it felt like it ruined the game a bit for her, but hint limit basically solves the problem I think…
Haha gg, you hanged your queen but incredibly all the pieces were defending each other making white’s job a bit harder
Great feature addition of the two player game clock. Thank you
That is really a great feature. Would be nice to be able to set the clock different for both players. So the stronger player can get less time. Maybe that could be done by setting any time for both players.
Armageddon mode would be fun to have too. So to set the time for the player who won the bidding and then no increment and black wins with win or draw.
Maybe that could be a feature for the future.
Yes I was about to suggest/ask about the possibility of adding adjustable clocks to be able to play with time odds.
More love for hint limits. I was wondering if it would be a popular choice to have the board remember last PvP selected options instead of having them reset to “No assist, 5/5 blitz, no hint limit” between power cycles.
Thank you for the ChessUp 2 update…it’s great to see the addition of offline chess clocks. I appreciate the continued efforts to enhance the platform.
For future updates, it would be fantastic to include a “take back” feature that integrates with the clock mode similar to the no clock implementation, along with the ability to pause the clock. An “add time to clock” button would also be a valuable addition for more flexible gameplay with children.
I like the features of 2.5. However, after downloading I had the first abandoned game that I have had in weeks, causing me to lose on time. My opponent’s move never registered on the board, and his clock continued to tick down until zero, at which point I was notified that I lost on time. I was never notified on the board screen of a connection issue or given a reconnecting message.
Game is here: kyle_long vs pretzelandbeercheese - Chess: kyle_long vs pretzelandbeercheese - Chess.com
this is actually available via the App bots, but not from the native board bots as of yet.
I’ve personally been using/testing time controls vs AI from app to “test” myself.
I have not, however, used the hint limit function, but I do always see the option to check the box when setting assistance level.
Hope that helps some. (not ideal I know, but possible work-around for now)
While playing Bot (intermediate Maxim) the entire board was frozen. firmware 2.5.0, could only turn off the board by using the switch. can you please look into it?
Noticed dropping wifi strength on the board usin 2.5.0. This happened while being two meters away from access point. All other devices have full strength.
I just wanted to report that the board didn’t declare the end of the following game. It showed my opponent’s clock in 0.00, nothing else.
It was a time scramble so when this happened I was afraid I lost the game due to a disconnection.
Gladly when I went to my chess.com account, I saw that I won on time (which is great given the fact that I’m playing OTB ).
Same here.
I tried OTB clocks with a friend, worked nicely! Now we don’t need the phone for the clocks, which is awesome. Thank you for this update.