Hello, I just want to know if I’m doing something wrong here.
I want to play against chess.com bots. When using the build in function from the board, it works fine but games are not saved or analyzed. So I wanted to start a game from the chess.com app that is build inside the Chessup app. I choose a bot to play against and try to click start but nothing happens. I can’t start a game, the button is not clickable.
Is this normal behavior because I should start a bot game from the board itself or is this some kind of bug?
Also, could I just use the chess.com app or do I have to use the link that is build into the Chessup app?
I did everything shown in the video. In fact I did it right away when I read about it yesterday. I’m aware of the fact that analyzing and saving the games does not work for now on the board.
That’s why I want to use the app. But I can’t start the bot game. It’s not responding. The Start button does not work for me. In the native chess.com app everything works fine but when I start is through Chessup the button does not work.
You have to do the steps in the video again today. They reset the servers a secound time.
That didn’t help. I think it has to do with the app. I tried the app without connecting to the board and the same thing happens. I made a short video showing this. At the end I was tapping the start button but nothing happens:
Now it worked for a few seconds but as soon as the game started the board lights blinked a dozen times and after a few moves it froze completely.
Hi DavDav - we need to make an update with Chess.com to autosave bot games.
By default on chess.com, they are not saved. The user has to explicitly click review. When playing through the ChessUp 2 - that is not offered, so the games are not saving.
We are going to work with Chess.com so all ChessUp 2 games are analyzed and saved. Should be an easy fix, we will update everyone once done.
I still can’t press the green button. Even after all those updates. It’s not clickable like in the video above.
@grabbe this is for you?
For now just play on the board itself. For now it doesn’t save in the account I know but you can play.