Change battery?

I saw that the battery can be changed when it finally gives out, but I’m not able to find anywhere how to do that. Do I unscrew the 15 screws on the bottom, or somehow pop out the cover where the USB plugs in? And if I take off the bottom, are there other pieces that may fall out that I need to be careful of?

I don’t have a need right now, but I just want to have these instructions for later.

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Blockquote[quote=“meebee, post:1, topic:2076, full:true”]
I saw that the battery can be changed when it finally gives out, but I’m not able to find anywhere how to do that. Do I unscrew the 15 screws on the bottom, or somehow pop out the cover where the USB plugs in? And if I take off the bottom, are there other pieces that may fall out that I need to be careful of?

I don’t have a need right now, but I just want to have these instructions for later.

I’m curious about this too. It was one of the reasons I bought ChessUp2.


Yes you just unscrew the rear case. It is a torx T-8 bit that fits the bolts.

Be aware that they are thread forming, so while you can access the rear cover, I would not do it dozens of times for no reason.

If the battery ever needs replaced, do reach out so we can give you the specifications for replacement.