Changing Wi-Fi networks

I have entered info passwords for two wifi networks I have available, but I’m unable to easily switch between them from the board. Can UI be updated to disconnect or switch between connections that have been setup? Thanks


Hi - try Settings->WiFi networks.

Let me know if you are able to switch easily there?

They both show there in settings menu, but can’t choose other wifi option… That’s the problem

I think this is something we are halfway through adding.

It will default to connecting to the stronger signal currently.

I think both are equally strong signal, but im unable to choose my 5ghz network that may be faster than a 2.4 network. I thought by adding others I could easily switch, but it won’t let me change selection. I think I have to delete, but then I’d have to go through password entering again to add back later.

ChessUp 2 does not support 5 GHz

Oh, ok. I thought I’d played several games on 5ghz network. I must be mistaken. I’ll just delete other networks and have only one. I just thought I’d put in multiple networks so I wouldn’t have to enter in password for them later, but if can’t choose between them it defeats purpose. Appreciate your help!