My wifi network is not appearing when trying to set up Chessup 2. How can I resolve this?
If it is hidden SSID, you will need to unhide it temporarily. If the router is set to 5GHz only, you will need to enable 2.4 GHz band.
If it is captive wifi (like hotel, airplane) where a browser is needed to finish setup, it is not supported.
Otherwise it should show up.
oh it works now thank you!
Feedback and questions about the WiFi:
I’ve successfully connected to two at-home WiFi networks. Awesome!
My personal hotspot on my iPhone, however, won’t show up as available on the board. Are personal hotspots meant to be supported?
Also my university WiFi won’t show up. I expected that the private network might not show up, but the Guest network won’t either, and I thought that network was not captive (though I could be wrong about that.)
Is there any chance that captive networks could be enabled, using the app to navigate the necessary browser screens and passing that information to the board? The board might be not very usable by university students otherwise. (I’m a grad student who lives off campus, so I can use it fine at home but was hoping to be able to use it on campus as well.)
My Android hotspot works good. You have to make sure it’s 2.4 and no 5ghz. This is important.
Free wifi networks where you have to go to a webpage etc don’t work. Just with 2.4ghz SSID and direct pasword imput.
Thank you! It turns out iPhone hotspots default to 5ghz and you have to turn on a specific setting called “Maximize Compatibility” to enable 2.4ghz. Now it works.
Captive will be a hard one for us to implement - as captive networks require a browser and ChessUp 2 does not have a web browser.
The requirements are
pubic SSID (maybe in the future we can add private entry)
2.4 GHz
not captive
Otherwise it should work
What if it’s just non password protected non captive? Won’t find apartment wi-fi that doesn’t captive any other device on first join. 2.4ghz and 5ghz options.
If you can set up 2.4GHz on its own network name - it should connect.