Chessup 2 players

I have yet to play anyone on chessup 2 only on Lichess and every time i look for a random they deny it. Ive never received a random invite to play. How does that work?

Are you looking to match up with a specific person?

Or are you looking to play someone else with a ChessUp 2?

Or just any random online match?

Any random.

You may need to reset the ChessUp (settings->Reset All), and then repeat the setup including the setup steps:
ChessUp 2 Support

Then you should be able to choose>Play to match up

Let me know if that does not work

I think you’re misunderstanding. I can play on What i mean is that trying to find someone to play on chessup is difficult not the board but like when i press the chessup game finder I guess you call it.