ChessUp Thursday League - Week #2 - June 29th 2023 - 15:30 GMT - Signup Below!

This is the signup thread for Week #2 ChessUp League at 15:30 GMT.
17:30 CET (Central European Time)
1:30 pm EDT (USA)

This is a league for playing games OTB with your ChessUp against other ChessUp players.

To join:

  1. Reply in this thread with your lichess account name
  2. On lichess, follow the other players (in this list):

To follow someone on lichess:

  • login to
  • search their name
  • click the “thumbs up” follow icon on the upper right of their profile page

How it works:
We use this thread to communicate and set the game schedule. Expect to play ~3 games (should take ~60 minutes).

Have your ChessUp set up and ready to play from either side. Have the ChessUp app open and also connected to your lichess account.

Week 1 Recap:

N2016 [1 - 0] badger89
badger89 [0 - 1] cosmoKJ
cosmoKJ [0 - 1] N2016

1 Like

cosmoKJ in for week #2

Hi Jeff -
My lichess user name is dbusse
Should be fun.
Which app should I use (Android or iOS) or does it matter?

am in

Either app should work just fine - looking forward to it!

Don’t know if I can…

No problem Nico - if you do end up in, just let us know.

Just confirming everyone who is signed up - still in today?

Confirmed for me

I’m in.

Ok - I am online and ready.

dbusse - since you and I are here for sure let’s kick it off with a match between us.

oh cool - badger is online too

My app keeps disconnecting. Lasts maybe 25 seconds then disconnect. Sometimes crashes altogether.

App is disconnecting from the board?

Yes and sometime shutting down altogether. This is new. but I have not updated anything.


What version - I will check if the beta might be better for you

Running version 2.0.4 (41). But rather than turn this into a debugging session, why don’t you folks go ahead and play. I’ll try reloading, re-calibrating and anything else I can think of and test with Miai.

badger are you online?

I keep getting an invite from “stilllearning” but not sure who that is