The new forum software looks great so far. Only needs a hyperlink from the product site support page now!
I have questions regarding the peer-to-peer (ChessUp-to-ChessUp) play - how will membership and access be handled? Will it be handled via our forum credentials?
Thanks again for your responses via support emails and hard work getting the code for Android sorted!
Thanks Jeff, I can imagine the team has worked hard on this. I cannot wait for this release, I really want to play games on my Android phone. Please keep up the good work and thanks for bringing the forums back, these are a great way to keep up to date with what’s happening.
Depending on when the board was last updated there may be a firmware release. The app will prompt you if an update is required. The last firmware version was the one that included checkers. The next one will have a few minor bug fixes and includes checkers Ai.