Clarity about the error messages and dismiss button

This is somewhat of a cross post, but I figured it made sense to make a topic with a searchable title for this one.

If I understand correctly there are at least 3 types of connection related errors you can get:

  1. WiFi disconnected
  2. WiFi reconnecting
  3. Reconnecting

Can you elaborate a bit about these errors, mainly when to “expect” which error and the purpose of the dismiss button?

In some posts players mentioned that they had the impression the board only tried to reconnect after they clicked on the dismiss button. So do we need to trigger the reconnect by clicking dismiss? Or can we just wait for the message to be dismissed automatically which then indicates the board managed to reconnect? Or is there another popup that actively says it successfully reconnected again (in case you manually dismissed the error)?

Concerning the last question, it would be nice to know if/when the board managed to reconnect so you know you can continue or not.

Also nice that there are separate messages for WiFi connection errors and server connection errors (if this assumption is correct). This will help users understand whats going on.

I only saw the “Reconnecting” error until now which matches my expectation that my WiFi is OK as I have a very decent setup at home. Of course WiFi disconnects could also be due the WiFi module, antenna or firmware in the board, so those probably remain a bit more nasty to troubleshoot.

The popup means exactly what it says. Dismiss button dismisses the popup but doesn’t do anything else, it can connect before or after pressing it. All it does is let you look at the timers over the error.

I believe reconnecting means server issue and anything else is wifi related.

Anything else is beyond my knowledge, you’ll need @Jeff for that.

So very good question and honestly I think we really missed with the messaging on these. 1.4.1 actually has improved messaging and will be released Dec 30/31.

  • Dismiss does nothing

…but at the same time, because dismiss is there, there is no indication you re-connected - which leaves the user guess at what to do. Do they switch to mobile, wait, play a move, etc?

The messages are confusing enough that I am not even 100% what all the flows are. So I am going to do 2 things:

  1. Ask @Richard to clarify
  2. Push out the new version ASAP that is at least documented, perhaps even more intuitive.

Richard will be in Monday and we will get this thread updated.

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Cool, thanks :+1:t2:

There’s only two related popups, but their text did change recently:

Pre 1.4.0 1.4.0+ Meaning
Lost WiFi WiFi Reconnecting The connection between the board and router dropped. The board is trying to reconnect. This is independent of server issues, except that at soon as it clears you’ll also see “Reconnecting”.
Lost Connection Reconnecting The connection between board and server has dropped. The board is trying to reconnect. This can have multiple causes.