Reconnecting every few minutes

Hello Jeff (and all the other members of this forum),

I’ve just received my ChessUp 2 today, order #21739. I’m pretty happy about the looks and all the pieces are recognized and are working as intended.

However, after having thoroughly read all the posts in this forum, I have to say that I probably am one of the worst examples of connectivity issues.

At first, I updated the ChessUp 2 to the latest firmware via the iOS app using bluetooth, without using any Wi-Fi connection on the board (it had not been setup yet !). Right after having successfully updated the firmware via the app, I tried and set up a Wi-Fi connection directly on the board.

At first, the board wouldn’t even want to display any SSID to connect to, and I had to try at least 10 times only to get the (only available) SSID to appear in the list. And even then, it failed to connect afterwards, at only 3 feet away from the router which offers a good and stable connection to all of my other devices all around the house. Long story short, I finally succeeded to establish a Wi-Fi connection but the board is reconnecting every few minutes and that can take a very long time (at least 10 seconds, but even up to one minute).

Under those circumstances, I only managed to play one bot game on Chess com until completion with lots of “Reconnecting” messages and didn’t try any rated game (would have been careless on my part to do so). The usual message is “Reconnecting” and not “WiFi reconnecting”, but I can see in the settings that it’s losing the WiFi connection all the time, which is also confirmed on the interface of my router.

My router mixes the 2.4 GHz and 5.0 Ghz frequency bands under only one SSID, but I tried splitting the two frequency bands in order to get two SSID - one for each band - when I wasn’t even able to see any SSID in the list and it didn’t help: it still didn’t display any SSID to connect to. Therefore, I’ve set my router back to only one SSID for the two bands and I finally managed to get the SSID listed on the board as told before.

Will the next firmware version - supposed to fix the connectivity issues - solve this problem or do I have another kind of problem than the users complaining about games unvolontarily abandoned ?

Thank you Jeff for all your work,
I hope to be able to enjoy the game soon.

P.-S.: I had also asked about the possibility to change the screen brightness during the Kickstarter campaign. I’m a bit surprised to see that there is no such setting and I find the screen far too bright to my taste. Could you please confirm me it is planned in the firmware roadmap ?

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It might be a faulty wifi chip in your board, that the chessup team could solve.

But it’s also possible that your router or connection has some other obscure issue. You’ll need to tag in @Jeff

Try to connect to your phones hotspot and play. See what that does.

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Sorry it is not working at all!

The next versions releasing are all addressing WiFi and missed moves.

However, something else is happening in your setup. I am going to email you so the programmers can work directly with you. It should be way more stable than what you are describing.

I suspect we have issues with very specific routers - and that the issue is resolvable - but we just need to learn what we need to change with these routers. So you have extreme disconnects - that is a situation we can learn a lot from. I am emailing you now.

Yes it can all be dimmed. We just need to expose the setting in the user settings menu.

I think we will move that up in priority are there are several requests now

Hi Jeff,

I will contact you and the team ASAP via email with some important news updates about my connectivity issues.

And about the topic of a (screen and squares) brightness setting, I’ve noticed the “ALS” option in the app, but unfortunately it is not available in the iOS app. Nothing happens when you click on the small down arrow and you can’t access any setting to enable / disable the Automatic Light Sensor. I don’t worry about that as you’ve said that the brightness will become a manual setting directly on the board in a (near) future update. I just wanted to let you know that the ALS “switch” isn’t available in the iOS app. :slight_smile:

We’ll keep in touch via email for the serious matters :wink:

Thank you, Jeff,
your will to do well is much appreciated !