So, ‘no lights’ showing all the ‘legal’ moves is not an option??? I thought I read that it was. Destination squares for the opponents moves are of course a must, but I absolutely do not want to pick up a bishop at my turn and have to see all those legal squares light up. That would be a horrible experience.
There is a minimum lights mode that does not show all legal moves, but shows confirmation blinks and such. It is already on our existing product and something similar will be on ChessUp 2.
It is not an obvious selection and we bury that setting on purpose. But there will be a way.
We also know that most people who say they want no lights end up leaving the lights on after trying the product. *Not everyone - but a lot do. It is not near as distracting as you may think. What happens is that the ads feature lights and lights and lights… but when you play, you actually stare at a board with nothing lit up for minutes before moving in a second. The experience is actually really nice - but tough to communicate that until you have it in your hands.
Yes, ''confirmation blinks" and showing where the opponent moved are clearly needed. But I am happy to know for sure that we can turn all the other lighting of squares off.
Thak You for this information, I would also very appreciate, if it is possible to switch the lights for my moves completely off. I am also a 2000 FIDE player and I think, I would find it distracting during a tense game to see the lights when making my move. The idea with the board indicating an illegal move I find very good. I am really looking for receiving the board, best wishes to everyone…
Quick question here, when you play on, is it possible to disable the shown legal moves, because I see many complaining about the lights but I feel when you play online you also have the legal moves shown but maybe I’m missing something here.
When I play on, I don´t have the legal moves showen ( probably possible to change in settings )
ok ok thanks for the information, I thought there was something like that but wasn’t sure
On you can go to settings and from “board”, toggle show legal moves on and off.
Does that setting reflect on the board or is it any plan on doing so @Jeff ?
We do not carry the setting from - but we do have a minimum lights mode coming soon. It is set on the board
The settings are for their UI. We don’t get those fed to us and we have our own settings as well. No lights and post move hint (for 2 player, OTB and Chessup platform games) are settings we have in the mobile apps for game settings. I believe turning off the lights is a future board feature.
What he said