Dialog box in the app needed if challenge rejected

This is based on experience with the app, version 2.0.2 (2), running on a iPad mini 4, iOS version 15.7.7
When challenging a fellow ChessUp user to an online match, selecting “Someone Random”, the board will appear and a user will be named as an opponent. If the opponent rejects the game, what the challenger sees is that the board disappears and the “New Game” page reappears with no indication of what happened. We need an alert dialog box to popup when the opponent rejects the game so the challenger knows what is happening. It is true that the challenger can go to the Activity page and will see the rejection notation as a new activity, but the challenger would have to know to do that and remember to do that, which is not a very good UI design IMHO.

Good catch - we will submit it as a bug report

Thanks Jeff.