When playing in lichess using my phone as the clock, opponent resignations are not shown, and the clock continues to run. This causes me to sit waiting for a move. If I exit the full screen clock I see the notification that my opponent has resigned.
Hi - Are you on the latest version (beta version in the play store on Android)?
I’m on iOS, latest version.
Got it - should be an easy fix - thanks for reporting.
We have a beta release with this fix now. Assuming it tests correctly this will be in the next release.
Great! Thank you for the quick response!
Games with clock have often troubles on my Board. Last week, the clock didnot start at the beginning of the Game. App see the moves, but clock did not start whatever the time format 45:0 10:0 etc
And when I play online 2 months ago between another ChessUp board, there was a delay between the Time displayed on each board. The Game was ended on one board while it remains time for the same player on the other board.
The disparity in clocks between 2 chessup boards (when playing on the chessup platform) is an open bug we are working on. You can challenge through lichess and the clocks should be right
Please share any more details on clock not starting - we would like to figure out when/why that happened.