I tried to start a 5 min rated game on chess.com through the board touch screen but it just kept searching for a game. After trying twice (waiting a few minutes each time) I decided to use the phone app (ChessUp) to get a game, I was able to start a 5 min game. Once the game started, the board screen didn’t change from the main menu (Chess.com, ChessUp, Other Platforms). I wasn’t able to see my clock except for on my phone. I know the email said that the instruction manual would he posted online shortly, I’m just not sure if I didnt set something up correctly or if its a bug.
I will post a video today of how to connect to Chess.com.
The using the phone method works - but only because ChessUp 2 inherits ChessUp 1 functions too (and that is how ChessUp 1 worked).
Awesome, thank you Jeff
Weirdly enough, mine didn’t have that problem.
My clock showed when I played online. In fact, I figured I would win on time when my opponent decided to give up.
There’s just no option to play against someone with a clock straight from the board (yet).
Here’s a game I played straight off the board, for reference.
@YanikD - did the chess.com record of this game match what happened OTB, as in did the opponent time out like that?
Just making sure we did not miss a move or such.
Thanks for sharing!
(note - we will get more accurate with the clocks on a firmware push tonight)
Yeah, probably not the best exemple by me.
But yes, my opponent left and timed out. So as far as the board is concerned, everything was as it should have. Here’s the game link, if that helps (not that it should as it matched, but you know)
Hey PBK, do you still have trouble finding games straight on the chessup2 without having to start it from the app first?
I think I might know the issue. I just ran into the same trouble, I connected my main account correctly but it also wouldn’t start an online game from the board itself.
Only difference between my 2 account is my main is diamond, my test isn’t premium. And the non premium works flawlessly straight off the board.
It still does not work. After multiple failed attempts, I decided to make sure everything was good with the android app. I noticed that I was logged into Lichess and ChessUp, but not Chess.com. So I tried to log back into Chess.com thinking that is probably why I’m having issues. Well…It wont let me log into Chess.com through the app now (I submitted a bug report with videos). So that is why I’m having issues. I cannot even get a game on the board through the app now, nothing is working. I did join the Beta version of the android app when I first downloaded it, not sure if that is contributing to the problem or not, but could be. Its getting late and I have to get up early for work, so I will wait until tomorrow to mess around with this more, and hopefully hear back from support with some ideas.
Maybe the team will have other ideas, but i had that issue too. I also submitted a bug report.
But the temporary fix is to reinstall the chessup app. It will allow you to log back in on chesscom option. I dont think lichess jad anything to do with it.
If you want, try a a new account without membership, straight off the board.
I do recommend deleting the app and reinstalling it. That has helped others with the ChessCom login issues. We are working on a app update to correct these login problems.
Have you not been able to connect to Chess.com on your board without the app? Can you confirm that you have successful connected to your wi-fi? If you have any videos that you can share of you trying to start a game on the board (no app) that would be helpful.
I haven’t experienced issues starting an online game yet, but I have had instances where I found that the board had logged out, and I had to log into the chesscom account again using the app.
Hi psl,
We will be releasing an update today that hopefully will solve your issue with being logged out. When it releases please check to make sure it does indeed resolve this for you.
I beleive his issue is strictly that the board doesn’t launch online games straight off the board (after it’s connected) and needs the app to start a game.
I beleive this issue is that premium members cannot launch games (it will always say ‘starting soon’ forever) without going through the app.
I had wished others member who are premium/non premium would pitch in to confirm, but oh well.
I know I tried with both types of account, my non-premium one can launch games straight on the chessup2. My premium one needs the app.
I wanted to confirm this before sending a bug report, in case I am just beeing dumb and/or unlucky.
Support got back to me and I was able to log back into chess.com through the chessup app. I cleared the Data and Cache of the chessup app and then relaunched the app. That fixed the login problem. I still am unable to start a game using only the board. I confirmed that I was connected to the phone and the internet. Both the phone and wifi icons were next to the battery icon. I do have a Gold membership, so that would make sense based on what @YanikD said about membership vs non membership accounts.
Hi YanikD & PBK_Studio,
We have tested various levels of accounts with no issues. Would you both be able to send us a screen shots of your settings on your chess.com accounts(or share it here if you okay with that)? We are wondering if there is a settings that is causing issues with launching games on the board.
I am not currently home but I will do that aswell as a video as soon as I get home.
I’ll edit this post when I have it.
@JustinF there are a lot of settings pages on chess.com, are there any specific settings you would want to see?
@PBK_Studio & @YanikD,
I think the “Live Chess” and “Privacy” settings are what would be interesting to look at.