Elo upgrade for chessup

Good morning,
Do you have any news for the update of the set chessup ? And so the elo upgrade when playing without smarphone ?


??? No solution ???

Hi Camille,
It is coming - new Ai is almost done.

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:smile::grinning::grin::laughing::rainbow::sun_with_face:THANKS JEFF !!!

Camille Afangnike

@Jeff thoughts on the potential of using Maia, or allowing us to choose a local bot to use, that way we can setup our own openings and search depth and settings. Allowing usage of LC0 or SF with predetermined opening books and stuff has been implemented in most apps/programs that allow self analysis for chess. I personally love playing against Maia because it tries to determine "human moves* instead of just nerfing SF by randomly blundering when they are at an advantage.

You can friend the Maia bots on lichess and play against them. (through the app right now, but when lichess is built in as well)

Adding another UCI engine for analysis should be doable - we can put that on the future features list.

Hi Jeff. Any idea when the upgraded embedded AI will be released for ChessUp 1?


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Any update on this for ChessUp1?

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Is this still going to implemented for ChessUp 1?

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Yes - still applies to ChessUp 1 - just held up a bit.

Same resources for this and the ChessUp 2 built in bots, and first we have to fix some WiFi issues on ChessUp 2.

Thanks Jeff