Feature Road Map (Outdated)

I do not see this on the roadmap, but it’s an obvious feature: a ‘beep’ or something to alert you when a game starts. I just played 2 G/10 and it took a while for someone to accept…and I was left to have my eyes wonder away from the little screen each time.


It is a standard features. So is Lichess. The list shows all of the standard features they are working on. It is acceptable.

When will the next update in line come out? In a week or so?

@Mando - If by ‘it’ you are referring to my question of some notification that your challenge has been accepted by someone…where do you see this? It’s not on the ‘roadmap’ in this thread that I can see.

If the board has a speaker, it is well hidden and quite silent. @Jeff can you confirm that the board does not have one.

No audio or vib motor on the board - so no ability to make noise

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4.0.0 is receive challenges on the board (also enables pure board to board play through chess.com with no other device involved).



Maybe it’s possible to let the display flash twice quicly when the match is found? White flashes or something? To draw attention to the user if it takes long time to find.


Yeah, mabye only if time > 15s or something like that

You can do that now. You need to start a game from the app and that will be saved. You can export the PGN and analyze it anywhere online or even use the app analysis.


Absolutely great idea. It’s often hard to get paired with someone in an appropriate rating range at the slower TC…one should not have to look at a tiny screen for minutes on end.
Also…while I’ve no interest in ‘lessons’, how on Earth are they to be communicated to the user if there is no sound?

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Maybe it’s possible to let the display flash twice quicly when the match is found?

It could also be the entire board that flashes like at the end of a game.


I would be quite happy to have audio from my phone/tablet for lessons so I could concentrate on the board.

The lessons will be with the app. It’s gone be cool because the audio will auto pauze en restart automaticly when u move the pieces.

I’m excited for the lessons, not just for me, but also for my kids.

Yes, even better - that would be hard to miss even from the other side of the room!

2.0-3.0 will be in January

Note there are 1.4.2 and other updates before that with other updates (including WiFi improvements)

4.0 should be very early Feb

5.0 should be Feb

6.0 and 7.0 should be March.


I wonder if Android integration right on the board would’ve simplified the feature development and app integration. I know it would’ve come with incremental cost specially if you want have it powerful enough to keep the UI lag free.

Bravo for building a sustainable business and not an open-sourced hobby. Keep it up, find partnerships, sponsorships and ways to keep the updates coming!


Will the „Board Editor Flow” feature include solid engine level? Now it’s set very low and it plays quite stupid moves when playing endgames. Is the AI update or setup planned?

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