Future Update overview

Going by the responses on this forum, a lot of updates are on on its way. Anywhere where these are accesible, possibly with a ETA?

We will have a map and plan set up next week and share it


Thanks - that should cut down a bit on all the questions that are being asked.

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I wish : )

It will likely increase them, but it is fine. If we did not hear from the users, we would just be guessing at what is most in demand.


Hi Jeff - appreciate you being so active on here. Any updates on the roadmap?

We have to clear our bad piece situation and Chess.com fixes and then we can lay out the roadmap.


  • checkers
  • 2 player modes (including board editor flow)
  • lichess
  • lessons
  • built in bots
  • family accounts

After that there are several things like puzzles, daily games, chess 960, web tools, game review, Chess.com integration with 2 player.

We will need to prioritize by demand


Hi Jeff, thanks for the update!

Can you please elaborate more on 2 player modes and family accounts?

For future might be nice to have a setting to hide ratings of the players if that is selected on chess dot com.

Time formats for 2 players, probably live broadcast ability, hopefully rated OTB play (that requires more than us to approve though)

Family accounts is easy switching between users for multiple Chess.Com account families

If I may suggest, if not already planned, maybe create a poll on this forum so users can vote on some kind of priority for features request. I understand that some low hanging fruit maybe achieved quickly even if there is not a high demand for. But at least it will give you a rough idea of what the majority of users are the most interested in to help you prioritize.

I am going to do that in a couple of weeks. First I have to see what the first (2-3) updates include because it has no use to put those features inside the list. I don’t know what they actively implementing.
A poll or google form will be made.


A UserVoice page (or similar service - there’s a few) would be great. Then users can vote on features, helping you to prioritise them, and keep us in the loop on what you’re working on too. Just an idea for your consideration.

@christhecoder there is a discord page that was setup for this group

Do you mean the Chess.com game review or your game reviews?