Hi all. Using a new Chessup 2 board and attempting the first firmware update, as notification was pushed to the app. Having a hard time with it. Download didn’t begin first several times we tried it. Finally seemed to be working but now it’s frozen on the board, and update screen disappeared from app. Everything says not to turn the board off. What should we do?
Sorry to hear that. You can power off and on the board. Then open the app. If there isn’t a prompt to update, you can tap on the profile in the upper right of the app. Then tap on Board Updates. There will be an option for forcing the firmware update and the app will pull the latest and install it. If that doesn’t work, please contact techsupport@bryghtlabs.com
Thank you! We’ll turn it off/on and hopefully try again!
I actually had this issue the first time I received the board about a month ago. Try switching your phone to data instead of Wi-Fi, and it should work.
It updated successfully. Thank you so much for your very quick response! Turn off/on was my first thought, but the capital letter “do NOT turn off” really got me. Thank you again.
Oh, thank you! I hope we don’t ever have to do this bc we don’t have adequate cell service at our home for that! Has to be WiFi here.