Firmware update

So I’ve just updated the Firmware to the latest (as it notified me there was one). Now my board doesn’t work at all, and just has purple lights on all the middle (non piece) squares and won’t do anything!

I’ve also tried to recalibrate the board but that does nothing to sort it.

Prior to this update it was working, and for the first time in a year, working really well.
It’d be nice if this worked well for longer than one week!!

Any help please, as this is now currently useless and very disappointing

  1. Power it on and off
  2. Plug it in (to make sure it has charge), leave plugged in.
  3. Connect with the app
  4. Follow instructions to redo firmware update here:
    Updating Firmware - ChessUp Knowledge Base

If that doesn’t work, please email us

The boards are all recoverable from any state. Our tech team will be able to resolve it even if the normal update doesn’t work.

Thanks Jeff. Will try, and let you know