Game analysis for Iphone ChessUp version

it seems to me that it is not possible to use the functionality of analysis of chess games on version of Iphone. Is not it ?

Sorry, I found the previously posted answer. Coming soon on Iphone…

I think this should have pushed to apple now and should be released very soon.

Android allows us to release a beta to the play store. Apple only has the production version. Be on the lookout for it - we are just waiting on Apple to publish it.

Thanks Jeff and the BryghtLabs team.

I am a computer developer at times and I enjoy looking for solutions, experimenting with results. For the development of your product, it’s the same for me : I take pleasure in following your evolutions as if I were part of the project. It’s not just the destination that counts, but also the journey to get there.


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Apple has published the app now - iOS has the analysis feature

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