How can I use Chessup 2 in combination with chessable

I like to use Chess up together with Chessable how can I do this?

Hi - this is a popular request and something we will put on the future roadmap. Currently there is no integration with Chessable and ChessUp.


What about whitepawn ?

White pawn, at various points in time, has supported ChessUp boards. I know Khadim was recently working on ChessUp 2 as well.

Because it is 3rd party - you would have to ask Khadim directly on a schedule.

I’ve asked him already but never got any answer

Most e-boards are actually just smart phone accessories - and cannot resolve or play a game on their own. All they do is relay the piece positions over bluetooth. They are however simpler to work with as they have two functions - tell the app piece locations, get lights from the app.

ChessUp is a chess computer and resolves all the gameplay itself. It also has touch recognition (which no other board has) and the lights react instantly to touch.

Explaining all of this - because it is more work to implement ChessUp. That is why it sometimes is in the white pawn app and sometimes it is not