Possible Chessable integration?

I use chessable daily to review and practice chosen openings from courses bought and tactics is there any way to use it with the chessup2? That would be freaking sweet.

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I use Chessable daily to. Would be great to implement but I think there are other things first.

Or a way we can connect to our iPad/iPhone to use Chessable on chessup2 something like that even just for opening courses I would do for this feature

Yes, that would be great. It’s a feature that has been requested a few times and I hope they will look into it in the future.
But I hope you understand that the main focus for the chessboard is what it is now. What I mean is that everything that is provided works as it should and that those functions will first be expanded with functions that the users want. Chessable is something completely new and it is not that easy. It does depend on chess.com, but it is a different platform and I don’t know if that is possible.

So, how would that even be possible??

For openings it would certainly be possible with the lighting up of squares. And If you can connect to the app even easier the correct square will light up after x number of incorrect trys for the opening.

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I don’t think chessup could very well include alternative lines and the screen is too small to support txt like you would see in a chessable course nor could it take advantage of video content nor the special move training feature in chessable.

But, I am not a programmer yet cannot see chessup investing in and offering what would ultimately be a half-a$$ed version few would use of a fully developed feature already on offer. Chessup is about playing chess.

Do you play chess without practicing openings, middlegames, and endgames? I’m not saying invest in something that would be fruitless. I mean, it’s supported by chess.com. What can you find on chess.com that is accessible? There are viable alternatives and solutions that can be thought of, like using their own app to upload PGNs of chosen openings you wish to train with, etc. It’s not that far-fetched.

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I’m saying the Chessable platform is the perfect place for the content it was built for. The ChessUp 2 board is not. So putting any programming into that would make no sense economically.

My only point is that chessup2 is bringing OTB and online to life. Why would you want to practice openings like on chesssable OTB?

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Because it works for people as is for one.

Why on earth would the ChessUp2 people want to invest the kind of time/effort/money into something like this? It is not what draws people to ChessUp2. Few people would even use it.

You can dream…but we will just have to agree to disagree here, I do not wish to argue.

I think some of this is available in the ChessUp apps. Like choosing AI or 2 player and choosing to play openings in the game setup. Looks like you can play a specific opening or choose a group to play from. Seems like choosing a group plays through multiple openings in that group.

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The Beta version of chess.com log-in is available on the ChessUp APP already, and it allows you to pick and start the learn tab from chess.com to the Board, so it looks like they’ve answered training openings question OTB already.

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It allows you to click on and use all the learning tabs on chess dot com to the board minus Chessable. So that’s already a win all the openings and end games and practice are all on chess dot com already!!


Chessable integration is a popular request. It is something we still need to research. No certain answer at this time.

We do have an opening trainer (with our app connected) and I expect that feature to migrate to ChessUp 2 over the course of 2025.

We continually add features to the ChessUp series over time.

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I’ve been using the various on-board tools, be it AI and the guides or 2 player OTB myself, or, and one of my fav things about 2, piece recognition, so you can set up, say the “tabia” (I think it is), start from anywhere and so on.
Then there’s the in-app opening browser which is certainly usable.
Much more so for someone with some knowledge (I’m basically clueless :wink: ) as, for example, the Ruy has 3 moves, but show all variations, and choose one of the Ruy-somethings and you’ve got 228 different lines to follow in-app. Of course, I’ve no idea which of those to use, so atm not doing me much good, but for folks who are familiar with which names of lines and so on they’re looking to work on, I think a lot can be done with the app and on-board tools, and as mentioned above, the chess.com learn section stuff

(I was actually coming to post about questions on how to use the in app openings, the Ruy & Italian only showing 3 moves had me kinda uhm… lol, but then saw 100s of variations for each and went whoa… heh, actually really cool, least to my noob self anyway)