I gave the engine the rook. It was NOT able to mate. The moves were not efficient. I guess it was using the internal engine, but I could not set the level.
The board editor Ai does not have an endgame tablebase yet. It will be replaced by stockfish (when on WiFi) soon
So, after setting up a position on the board, it will be transferred to chess.com or lichess and use stockfish there, in the future?
tis 7 jan. 2025 kl. 23:19 skrev Jeff via ChessUp <notifications@playchessup.discoursemail.com>:
The board will send the position to our stockfish server computer, and it will show the best moves and hints on the board.
So, the FEN of the current position is sent in the URL to your SF server and returned as a JSON, with sorted evaluations for all possible moves. The square coloring is based on these evaluations. There should not be any difference in the handling of this, both normal play and a board editor position should be handled in the same way.
A more urgent need for me is to use CU2 instead of DGT Smartboard to record games between H2H. With %clk timings. %eval can be added later. DGT is overly complicated, saving all kind of submoves, when the most important thing is to give a discrete signal if a move is illegal. Unfortunately FIDE accepts undetected illegal moves, as I understand. I have never seen an illegal move at chess.com or lichess. FIDE must sort this out.
tis 7 jan. 2025 kl. 23:40 skrev Jeff via ChessUp <notifications@playchessup.discoursemail.com>: