Loving the ChessUp 2. There is a great feature in my DGT Centaur that I was hoping the ChessUp 2 supported - bot play from a board setup.
Basically, I had to input the position into the Centaur (no piece recognition), and said whose turn it was and it would play with the current level preset. I could practice an opening response this way.
On the ChessUp2, I put the board into position, hit the Set Board Button, confirmed everything was correct and pressed “Blacks Turn” and the board flashed but nothing happened. The board stayed dark. Any chance this is on the feature roadmap, or am I missing a feature?
A corollary - I would like the ChessUp2 to remember the bot level from session to session.
Hi - this flow will be greatly improved so you can pick a bot level to play, 2 player, etc.
But for now you can play against an intermediate Ai, by click “play x” where x is the side you want to play. It will always be your turn. Once you move, the Ai will move the other side.
In an upcoming update, we will be adding an entire set up flow to the board editor so you can choose a specific Ai opponent or human opponent.
This is really great. In my view one of the most important features, if not the most important one. Will be very useful for sparring endgame positions for example.
11 - that almost sounds like a joke from Spinal Tap!
So…approximately what strength is 11 again? This stuff is so hard to find out…rather wish there was an easy to get to central depository for this kind of info.
The assistance in the board editor is temporary and going to be hooked to stockfish once we hook up the board editor UI flow. Lessons are rolling out and then that is the next update(s) after that.
We are within 1 week on lessons - finalizing some iOS app stuff at this stage. All else ready to go. Meaning the lessons are done, the board code is done, Android code is done. iOS is in testing right now and we are working out any final bugs