Whilst playing on the board occasionally one of my knights will light up.
This started in 1.5 firmware and wasn’t fixed in 1.6.
Its really annoying
Anyone else have this issue?
Whilst playing on the board occasionally one of my knights will light up.
This started in 1.5 firmware and wasn’t fixed in 1.6.
Its really annoying
Anyone else have this issue?
If you lift it off the board and place it back down, does it resolve?
And is the board plugged in?
Hi Jeff
It just flashes once and then goes off
I’m playing on battery power, not plugged in.
It happened twice in the last game.
Both times was the black knight, the light came on for 1 second and then went off.
And it follows the black knight, not the square the black knight starts in?
It the light underneath the knight, as if I’m touching it, but I’m not.
I thought I was maybe knocking the board, or the table wasn’t completely level, but it’s not that. It happens when the board is completely level and still.
It is not something we have had before - an intermittent piece - but let’s start by sending a spare black knight.
That would great thank you.
If that doesn’t fix it, I’ll record a game and upload it on youtube to show you.
Hopefully that will fix it.
It also happened to me with 1.6, I didn’t give importance because it just lit up for a moment then it went off in 1 second. Board unplugged. Also the black knight, in the starting position, I think it was b8 square although I don’t remember exactly.
Same issue. Also didn’t really mind cause it’s only happening twice or once a game.
We will tinker around with the tuning on what is a touch a bit more - should be able to get this resolved.
If a piece ever acts funny, lift it for 2~3 seconds and then place back down.