Issue with board

Not sure if it’s the King or the board that is causing this. It doesn’t seem to happen with other pieces

We need to replace your white king - common issue on this first batch.

Sorry for the faulty piece. We will get a new one on the way

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Such a fast response. And my shop app tells me that the order was placed. Wow!

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Hello Renders, I had exactly the same but soon as I got my new king board has worked perfectly so hopefully should be the same for you.

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Also if you did want to play in the meantime I found that sliding the piece between squares got a better response than picking it up and putting it down but make sure to pick up when castling.

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Thanks for the tip Kyle

Hey Kyle did you get your replacement king yet? How long did it take to get to you?

I’m also experiencing issues with the board; it’s not able to recognize the pieces correctly. I don’t believe it’s a problem with the pieces but rather with the board itself. What is the process to have a board replacement? I contacted customer service but haven’t heard anything back in almost a week now.

Thanks in advance!

Sorry for the slow replies - our customer service is one person and we are backlogged from Christmas season on top of delivering all of our pre-orders (Kickstarter) at the same time. We will be caught next week.

I will go look up your ticket now and provide help there.

Hello Renders. I’m based in the UK so mine took around 4/5 days to come as it ships from the Netherlands. Unfortunately I’m not sure how long shipping takes elsewhere.

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Yea I realized after I messaged you that there was no reason for me to assume you were based in my country.

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