Lost games: the opponent's move does not show on the board


I was happy with my Chess up 2 until my last 2 games.

The same thing happened: I play my move, the screen shows the opponent’s clock going down, but no move is ever played and when the opponent’s clock reaches 0, nothing actually happens, no message. There is no way to get out of the game, except turn off the board.

It just happened now again, early in the game: this time I checked my Chess.com profile while the board was still showing me the opponent’s clock going down (because he seemed to use a lot of time for a rather simple move), and it showed me that I already lost the game by abandonment !

To be precise: chess.com thinks I abandoned just after my opponent’s last move: my last move (which triggered the opponent’s clock to go down on the board) is not recorded on chess.com.

How is that possible ? I’m on the latest update 1.4.0.
The first time it happened though, it was a few days before the 1.4.0 update.

With the amount of commercials for the board during the CCT in Oslo last week, I was expecting that all these problems would be solve for rated game on Chess.com.

I hope a solution is found quickly. Unfortunately I don’t trust the board anymore to play rated games.

Before that I played around 10 games with the board without problem.

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Check out this post

I saw it, but:

  • first time happened before the 25th (22nd).
  • second time happened after the 25th (26th).

I gave it a few days after it first happened, in the meanwhile there were a couple of new updates, so I thought ok time to try again.

We are tracking this - it needs to be 100% and we will get it there.

The issue from 12/24-today with chess.com gameplay affected a lot of things.

However, there are additional improvements we have included in 1.4.0 and 1.4.1 (testing now) as well as improvements to the online tools that all help.

Once this latest major outage is resolved, please do update us if it ever happens again and for which game. We study each game impacted to fix any remaining issues. We will not stop fixing those game issues until 100%. We were quite close (99%) right before the latest major outage.

Sorry for the lost move.

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Same thing happened to me today. I’m on ver 1.40. I was playing a 10 sec game on chess.com, luckily it was an unrated game since I’m still testing the board and it was my first chesscom game with the board. Both of us only had about 30secs left to move…I moved and the clock switched to my opponent, I was waiting for him to move and it looked like he lost on time. I went on my phone and checked my history and I was the one who lost on time. :scream: I looked at the last move made and it was by my opponent… apparently the last move I made did not get registered. Hope you can fix it soon. :crossed_fingers: Oh, and I forgot to mention, I also had to turn off the board…the UI after the clock ran down did not update, it was just frozen on the same screen.

Same happened to me today. 10 minute ranked. Maybe 10 moves played each I made my move and waited or opponent. I had 8 minutes and watched him go down to 7. Checked the app and I lost due to abandonment. I couldn’t resign out of the game either. I had to turn the board off. After I played a 5 min and everything worked to the end. Everything has been updated and even did the Xmas correction by signing out before I played any games today. I know it’s being worked on, just documenting my case. Also, just throwing it out there…Would love to see Chess960!

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This just happened to me. I was finally able to log into chess.com on the board today, but this “lost move” issue happened on my first game. :pensive:

If it was just a bit ago - very sorry - we had to reset the server.

Regardless - we are on the path to never losing a move. We track every game outcome and will continue until we are 100%. We will also have a redundant server to allow smooth rollovers without interruption.

After the reboot

We also crossed 50k games played

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So the log-out log-in procedure fixes the problem ?

If you’re referring to my post… I logged out of chess.com, the board rebooted…logged back in successfully… And was on the current update. I did this all before playing. And it still happened. A few weeks ago, Chess.com was doing the same thing to iPhone users playing on the phone app. I wonder if it’s connected :man_shrugging:

Ok, thanks for sharing that. So it still happens after the fix :frowning:

Yes it is fixed. Middle of the night we updated the server to force all users to the fixed log in.

We still have the occasionally dropped game because of WiFi - but users should be warned on the unit when that happens. One of the things we cannot control is the user’s WiFi. Our latest firmware gets even more robust with WiFi reconnects. We will push that firmware Monday.

But users should be fine on 1.4.0 (current release) as well.

Just had the chess.com game abandonment problem twice in a row after logging out and back in, on 1.4.0. No WiFi error or connection issue reported by the board.

I appreciate the work and challenges involved, but as a customer it is unhelpful, even slightly offensive, to see responses to these and other problems to the effect of “it’s working for most people” or “we are on a path to 100%”. Spending good money on a product with this kind of experience is unacceptable. I suggest speaking to customers with more empathy - put yourself in our place and embrace our disappointment instead of trying to explain it away.

There was a reset to the play service about 2 hours ago.

Sorry it was done without notice. We are adding a notification system next so we can warn people to switch to web.

This was a final update related to the Chess.com login issue. Resets will be infrequent and with alerts when they do happen in the future.

Hi, I just experienced the same issue twice tonight. It was working great all day but just now I played two games and after my move I watched the opponent’s clock tick down to zero and when I checked chess.com it said I abandoned. I was disappointed. I am happy to hear the team is working on it but it is a shame when it happens in rated games. I hope this gets resolved soon because it makes me worry about playing rated games and getting undeserved loses.

Sorry for the two games, can you link them here?

Hi Jeff,

How do I link a game here?

If on web:

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I do want to say I love how the board performs and it worked for many games today. Your team is very responsive. I’m only posting to help better the experience and am not trying to complain.


Here is the link to the game I stayed the whole time for until the clock hit zero. I’m not worried about the game as my rating is lower anyways but I just wanted to report it because it’s always nice to finish a game.