Thank you - this helps a lot.
We have the game record as a failed game in our logs. We show the game disconnected, then reconnected and had to recover white’s final knight move.
Did that move ever show on the board?
Thank you - this helps a lot.
We have the game record as a failed game in our logs. We show the game disconnected, then reconnected and had to recover white’s final knight move.
Did that move ever show on the board?
Sharing a game where this happened today in hopes it helps with debugging
Same scenario as others here, opponent stopped executing moves and timed out, had to toggle the power to leave the game and showed I abandoned. Hope it helps with debugging. Thanks so much for the prompt response. I am having a great time with this board
Hi Jeff,
No whites move never showed on the board after the reconnect. The timer just ticked down to zero.
Thanks Bryce. I will need the engineers to review this one. We did record it as a failure, but I can’t see back far enough to see where the connection broke and if it recovered.
i.e. did the board not relay the move, or did the web service.
This stuff helps. Thanks
Thank you - these help.
Anyone else with the abandoned games, please share links here
And so everyone knows - this is what we watch and track (we record every game and the engineers get emailed on every failure)
We are working to get this to 100%, or 99.9% (some people rage quit and we cannot detect if they shut off the board or we failed).
Bot games get abandoned by the user more than rated play, so they yield more failures. We also have some other improvements coming to bots.
When the API got messed up on Christmas, game success dove to 20% at some periods - that was a disaster - but not related to these abandoned moves.
The abandoned moves and WiFi reconnects are our final battle. They are intertwined too. It is currently 2~3% of games - way too high.
Progress will be fast now that we are clear of Christmas. I think in a couple of weeks we will be in the 99.x% trailing 1,000. The remaining ones will be stuff like user’s WiFi went down, user shut off board after blunder, etc.
We will need to then write detection for those, so we can find any 1/1,000 error hiding in the noise.
Basically - if you are a user with this happening frequently, we are very interested in talking to you. Share failed games here with a brief description of what you witnessed when it failed. Thank you - we will get this resolved ASAP
Thanks, Jeff. I was able to play a couple of games this morning but had another game abandonment issue just now.
Just had the same issue too. The game is at /game/live/129142997729
According to chess com, I abandoned after my opponent’s move. But I made another move on the board, and I still see the opponent’s clock going down.
On the board I also saw “reconnecting” very quickly, but no other feedback.
I am not experiencing any internet issues as far as I’m aware of. This has never happened on the mobile app or website (where I use the same wifi).
This just happened to me. I have had a lot of issues with the board. Even AI matches with the local AI have shutoff on me.
My latest 10 min rated game became unresponsive and opponent timer just ran down. shows i lost the match and infers i abandoned i guess.
Hi Jeff,
I just had another game that showed as abandoned. The time ticked all the way down and then I checked which reported that I abandoned. It never showed the opponents next move.
Here is the link
Hi Jeff:
I am forced to write again.
My chessup2 board disconnects from wifi within the 1st 10 moves of starting the game. The opponents timer continues to run and in the backend the disconnection happens without any message like other users. This is happening for every game i play on chessup2. When I log in to my account it says game lost due to abandonment. This is very frustrating and irritating. The wifi module of the board is an issue. This is not related to weak signal and is not due to mesh network. Please take note of this. I have never been able to complete a single game since buying the board.
This is not the experience I expected. I would request for a speedy resolution to this issue or a money back with product returned at your cost.
If you want I can give a video record of the live issue.
I can send a link of the games if that would help.
Looking forward for a resolution.
Apparently it’s not fixed, many have encountered the same problem since then.
I have several devices connected to my wifi, none ever experienced disconnection.
As a result I haven’t used the board since then, since I simply do not trust it for rated game.
But there are also some bot problems, the OTB 2 players modes has no clock, there are issues with the assistance (goes off at some point), the board editor mode is not fully functional (castle, low AI, some freeze in some position…), the app needed for Chesscom login is not really compatible with ChessUp2 (there are nice things there, such as lessons, live evaluation, but actually not compatible with the board, which is not written anywhere on the app), it feels like none of the chess functionalities are 100% ready, so the board has quite limited usage right now…
I hope priorities are directed towards chess functionalities (but I see now that checkers are the next big update…)
There is so much potential though.
@Jeff not cool that this has been unlisted. A lot of people experiencing this and it’s a critical feature of the board. I just lost another rated game because of abandonment: Chess: aberonni vs Fenvik32 -
It’s got to the point that I am not using the board anymore. Big shame. I am still within my return window so I might be forced to return it if it doesn’t get fixed before then, given that this is the only thing I want to do with the board (play rated games on
It is being worked on as the highest priority and will be resolved very soon.
We have enough of the logs and reports now that we have identified the root cause. The resyncing of the games after certain connection drops has a bug.
We understand how important of an issue this is.
We also have this on auto-detect and get a report for each game - so we are collecting every report of it.
Hi Jeff,
I experienced another abandon today. Ill keep posting them when they happen. I hope it gets fixed soon as it is frustrating when it happens. Im glad to hear its a priority.