3.1.0 is in the wild.
The major additions are more levels of Ai opponent and a HUGE upgrade to board editor:
You also get an eval bar and several quality of life improvements throughout the UI.
Please report any feedback here.
3.1.0 is in the wild.
The major additions are more levels of Ai opponent and a HUGE upgrade to board editor:
You also get an eval bar and several quality of life improvements throughout the UI.
Please report any feedback here.
One known issue is that in certain endgames - assistance gets weird. It is not a bug, it is an issue with too short of Ai runtime in very specific losing situations.
We are aware and working on some fixes there.
Thanks for the update and continued work by you and your team
Hello Jeff, Congratulations to you and your team for the great update & improvements ! As always, you are a great Team with the best product ! Keep on the great work !
I have a suggestion :
When in the board editor menu, and choosing to play with the black pieces first, is it possible to give the choice of flipping or not flipping the screen ? I’m studying board positions, with either white or black starting pieces, it would be easier to follow the menu if it’s not flipped to the black pieces position, i’m always playing and analyzing positions with the white pieces in front of me.
Flipping the menu to the black side is OK when playing a complete game against a bot or OTB, but when using the board editor to study specific positions, i prefer not having the menu turned around to have it facing the black side. It’s not practical, and difficuilt to follow.
Wish it can be done ;o)
With kind Regards,
Much appreciate the rework on board editor allowing two players, the expanded range of AI levels including estimated ELO, and the new assistance slider which solves the previous UI bug where “Intermediate” (in French) would bleed into a second line. Eval bar is impressively responsive running on what I assume is a relatively low-power CPU on-board.
I just had to do it. Board AI level 25 in black beats Chess.com bot “Maximum” (ELO 3200) in white. Stockfish seems fully powered on the board!
I didn’t see the evaluation bar move my entire game despite being way ahead. Is this a known bug?
There is an eval bar option when playing against Ai.
It is not allowed for online games on Chess.com.
But if you set up an Ai game, you can turn it on.
The new updates are excellent. Thank you Jeff and your awesome ChessUp team!! I’m excited about Lichess integration coming soon.
This all sounds top notch! Thanks for an ever improving board.
I haven’t looked yet as I’m away but what’s the craic with these features please…
Added new ChessUp AI flow?
Added new ChessUp Board Editor game setup flow?
Thanks to the team for this release, I was waiting for the board editor upgrade to play custom positions with friends OTB.
What is the AI strength of the evaluation bar? Is it running full strength stockfish?
Does it work without wifi? If I’m playing outside of my house what should I do to get it working at full strength? Sharing wifi hotspot with my phone? Connecting my phone through the ChessUp app?
Also, now I can also play freestyle chess somehow, although castling will not work. Will 960 / Freestyle rules be implemented in the future?
Thanks for that. That is probably the most valuable update so far. Bringing the internal engine to a higher level is a game changer. Also the board editor update is great.
I like the update!
Nice that the internal engine is full power now.
Also the board editor flow is great! Worked out great!
The evaluation bar is great. Now we can play out openings (with boardeditor or against bot) and see how good the moves are. This is something I will use a lot to practice an opening OTB.
Good job for all the guys there!
Thanks for the update!
Chessup 2 is getting better and better—please keep it up!
I played a 2 player game OTB. Evaluation bar had a toggle to turn on/off. When playing with it on, it never moved. If it’s not supposed to work against another player, why is it an option?
@lilnipsfatal Are you connected to WiFi? The Eval bar requires a wifi connection. We will provide a warning for this in a future release.
We will look into that option.
It is a quick run with stockfish (stockfish like all chess engines is stronger the longer you let it run). So it is a balance of strength and responsiveness. It is long enough to analyze at super human level so plenty accurate for use in human games.
It does require WiFi.
Chess 960 may be something we implement through this mechanism, but we have to adjust the code for 960 castling (like you mentioned). That will not be for a while but it is on the planning list.
With 2 player OTB you can turn it on. If you are on WiFi it will update the evaluation as you play
I just tried to use the board editor to analyze a game. I setup the starting position and setup 2 players and evaluation bar on and hints on. I think that could be a great setup to replay and analyze games. Unfortunately I did not find a way to disable the clock. It automatically goes to 30 seconds plus 10 seconds increment per move. For analyzing the clock should be disabled. Same when useing the 2 players mode to analyze a game. At least here I can setup the clock to 60 minutes, which is enough time, but it would be great just to be able to play without clock.
For me there’s no clock running when loading from board editor. And in 2-player games I can choose clock:“None”.
Or am I missing something in your comment?
Oh, thanks. You are right. In 2 Player mode I can select “None” for the clock. I did not see it, as I did not scroll all the way down.
I now tried the board editor again and there is no clock. That is strange, because I am pretty sure, when I tried it before, there was a 30 seconds clock ticking down. I try to reproduce it.