Manual for ChessUp 2

Can we PIN a topic here for a manual? Does one even exist? The FAQ at FAQ is not exactly helpful.

I ask because I’ve set up my ChessUp 2 and played 3 games against the local bots. This on levels 7 and 8…and then 12 and they all played like a child…and I was playing very quickly.

  1. Is 12 the top level currently? It played poorly then allowed a 2 move mate.
  2. When I played each, I was never given the option to set a time control…and do not see what the time control is.

Now that I think about it, a PIN’d topic for what features are in the works and a general timeline for each item would be nice. This just has the ‘feel’ that the beta testers did not do a very good job of providing feedback or something.


Did you play from the app or on-screen?
I presume on-screen as you said 12 levels, correct?
When playing bots from the board itself there are 12 levels, assist level, side choice, then play.
In the App, there are 30 levels, (100-3000 elo), as well as assistance choice, side choice, time control, and advanced options for live analysis and choosing an opening.
Sounds like at your level you definitely are going to want to app the board AI although you should be able to get bot stuff normally I think
(and yeah, I played a game against a low elo board bot and it played itself into checkmate without me even noticing…If by chance the board 1-12 == app 1-12 it’s 100-1200 elo, but I’ve no idea for sure,I’m guessing it’s a different scale (not 100x))
Hope that’s at least a bit of help from what I’ve learned yesterday and today “botting” lol

@ThatIrisKid617. Yes, via the screen on the unit - the 12 levels there.
No, sorry, I didn’t buy this to have to use an App. I’ll return the thing if I have to.

I’ve yet to try the bots. Are those unrated? I don’t want to play vs humans yet until unrated games are supported like on the site. Also, too many people seem to have their games abort anyway…and 3/0 or 3/1 type games will penalize us using the board because we make the opponents moves. So, no rated for now.

Thanks for the input!

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No worries!
The chess/com bots are actually quite good, and there are a ton to choose from, each with a “personality” in addition to the increasing elos as well as 2 “coaches”.
I highly recommend them as I’ve found (I’m let’s call it “beginner”) and find the coaches great and the various “adaptive” or “low level” bots have been great for me, even winning games against higher elo bots than I feel I should, so there’s really good variety to their play it feels like they play an elo range so to speak.

You definitely do not need the app, but it does increase your options and functionality.
afaik, the only time the app is “needed” is to sign in to chess/com the 1st time, think that’s all.

Enjoy! I’m still on bots only mode so it’s kinda been cruise control for me in playing/messing with/learning about the various options and such

(sorry apparently this triggered the spam alerts from typing chessdotcom, sincerest apologies, wasn’t expecting that)

Oh, I need to amend one of my comments. I was able to play a 10/0 game on, UNRATED and it worked flawlessly. I was even ahead on time the whole game against a slightly higher rated player (2097). The last I rememberd, only rated games were available.


Unrated games always worked.

Clocks on 2 players and against AI have been confirmed to come at some point.

Jeff said somewhere they are going to increase the AI’ strenght off the board. Just hasn’t been done yet (I think up to 2000 from the board? And of course more on the app).

But bots work fine at their rated strenghts, only thing is the games arent saved anywhere (contrary to using the website).

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Perhaps I was thinking Jeff’s video where he tells you to do ‘this and that’ to connect to and then says ‘you are ready to play a rated game’.