Messed up piece recognition/legal move indicators after upgrade to 1.5.0

Hi there!

My boys and I have been having a great time with the chessup 2 until now, everything was working as expected. Today I finally upgraded to the latest 1.5.0 release however and immediately after the board started to behave very strangely regarding piece recognition and move indicators.

In the board editor everything is fine, all the pieces are recognized appropriately on all the squares all the time. But when I try to launch a game the board gets confused about the pieces on the board. It sometimes doesn’t seem to recognize a few of my pawns, at other times I get completely broken legal move indicators, like a knight move for a pawn, etc.

I already tried resetting the board and also forced another firmware upgrade, both didn’t improve the situation. Has anybody else seen anything like that or are there any suggestions what I could try to fix it?

Never seen that issue. Is your board plugged in on a charger or low on battery?

I can confirm to have the same (very similar) issue. In my case it effects also Pawns and Knights, but most of the time related to the fields g1 and a6. I contacted support, but no response yet.

We will take a look at this. 1.5 should not have affected piece ID, but enough people have mentioned it that we will investigate.