I first remember seeing this product on shark tank and thought how cool it was. Having never played chess, that was the end of it. Now years later, one of my daughters (7) has been in chess club at school for a year so I decided we would get the chess up 2.
First impressions are amazing. Needless to say I’m now hooked! haha
We have a couple questions. When we first got the board (last week) we could start a game on the board and see it also on our phones or iPad in chesscom app.
However, now when we try the game won’t load on the iPad or phone app? (Since probably 2 days ago)
If you play on the board without the app, things should go more smoothly. When you’re finished, leave the board on and turn on the app. You should be able to find history, which allows you to share your pgn. I share them with my email to myself, which allows me to download and analyze my games on my computer. ChessUp2 is moving towards less reliance on the app and more on the board. Search for the updates in this forum.
Type 1- does not allow concurrent log in from two sources
Type 2- allows log concurrent log in from two sources
There is ~50% chance that Chess.com starts your game as Type 1 or Type 2. ChessUp has no control over this.
Chess.com is in the middle of changing their entire system over to Type 2. Until that move is change is complete, you will be best off only launching the game on the ChessUp 2 directly and not logging into Chess.com any other way.
Let me know if that addresses what you are asking or if I missed the question?