Notifications for new lessons

The lessons are great, and it would be cool to be able to see when new lessons are released and what they are, instead of having to look through the different sections in the app for any new ones.

Could there either be a “new” section in the app under lessons or allow us to turn on push notifications and get notified when new ones are released?

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Great idea @Chess0!
Would be great to see this implemented

Would you want notices on the board or in the app or both?

I think we have some form of this in the app currently.

We have plans for an announcement box on the board in the future as well.

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At the very least the app, but board might be good too.

I can’t see anything in the app currently to show there are new lessons, I just came across the back rank checkmate which I’m pretty sure is new? But a notification either that it’s new or that it’s been released would be great.

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On ios I get a message in the activity tab when new lessons drop.

I’d rather not have the notifications on the board, or at least have an option to opt-in or opt-out. Push notifications from the app would be enough for me, or some sort of in-app notification (temporary banner or badge) that doesn’t interfere with the main interface, mainly for those of us who are not up-to-date with lessons or who don’t do lessons.

I would not need notifications on the board, but some sort of notification through the app would be nice.
On IOS I get a notification on the activity section of the app. What would be nice is a proper notification through the app that gives me a message. This way I would not have to enter the app, looking for a new lesson.