Option for promoting to any piece

I have an idea for promoting to a different piece without requiring a second set of pieces. When the promoting pawn reaches the promoting square, the screen displays the non-queen pieces, which may be selected (for example, the knight). When the knight is selected, the promoting square turns a different color (for example, purple), the screen displays the knight, and the promoting pawn remains on the board, however, the “knight-pawn” now moves as a knight. If playing an online opponent, their board will automatically show the promoted pawn as a knight. If playing against someone else using a chessup2, the opponent’s screen will display the knight and the promotion square on the opponent’s board will turn purple (and remain lit under the knight-pawn until either captured or the game ends). If multiple pawns are promoted to non-queen pieces, the screen can provide a split view and different colors squares can be used (for example, purple for knight, yellow for rook, etc). If the player wants to promote to a queen, they can ignore the screen and simply replace the promoting pawn with the extra queen. Promotion to an additional queen (which would mean 3 queens for one player) would use a “queen-pawn” and a unique colored square.


I am not sure if you own a ChessUp but everything except the color under the pieces is already working. And even that is not the greatest idea because you often have a knight left that you captured which you can use. Maybe some people see it different but I think the promotion rn is perfect.

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Awesome - I haven’t updated in a while so maybe there are some newer features of which I am unaware.