Promotion with screen vs physical piece

I played g1=Q+. It was a killer move that was going to win the game for sure. Eval bar says M5 after the move. Game against faisalhankakar. 15|10. My username is Tyharrin.
Usually, every time I’ve promoted a pawn on chessup 2, I’ve ignored the screen, pushed the pawn the replaced the pawn with a queen and never had a problem. This time, I pushed the pawn and the touched the queen icon on the s screen. Then I picked up the pawn and replaced it with a queen.
I was horrified to see the square remained pink under my new queen as if there were no piece there and more horrified yet that nothing could stop my clock and pass the turn to my opponent, not even putting the pawn back.
I thought I’d lose on time but THANKFULLY my opponent resigned.
On my chessup 2. It shows I has 26 seconds and counting. When I go back and analyze the the game on chessdotcom, I see that my opponent played Kd3 and resigned while it was his turn but I couldn’t see the move kd3. It just looked like it was stuck on my turn 52. g1=Q+. I am so so so lucky he resigned after playing kd3.

Is there some glitch with using the screen to select your promotion piece rather than a physical piece? If I use the screen, am I supposed to leave the pawn and move it as if it were the piece it’s supposed to be?has anyone else had a problem with this? Would I have lost if my opponent had waited 26 seconds?

Yes, this is what it is for. If you have the physical piece available, you should you it. If you don’t have the piece available, you can use the screen and the pawn will act as your promotion piece.


It’s just crazy that if you pick that pawn-queen up and put an actual queen there, the board freaks out. Or at least did on this occasion. I used the screen because I was in time trouble and wanted to pass the turn to my opponent, who is presumably using a computer seen to play, more quickly. Yeah, I had plenty of increment but I have more trouble managing time on the chessup than on the computer, that’s why I play 15|10 on the chessup. I’ll bet they could fix it so that you can use the screen to promote but still replace the queen-pawn for a queen later in if you so choose.

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Maybe your Queen is broken. I always promoted over the Screen and replaced the pawn with a Queen afterwards. Never had a Problem

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Me too - never been an issue

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Thank you so much for letting me know but I don’t think my queen is broken because it works for everything else.

I always select the promotion piece on the screen and then replace the pawn with the actual piece, and no problem in my case. If it blinks purple, try to lift the piece for a second and put it back.

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Well. I’m scared to try again. Especially when winning. I picked up the queen and set the queen back down and then took the queen back off and put the pawn back down and took the pawn off and put the queen back down. Nothing worked.

You have to choose. Or you put the piece you want instead off the pawn when promoting or let the pawn stay on the board and act like the piece you choose on the screen. When you select on the screen and then replace the pawn with the piece it’s not gone work. Just follow what I said and you’ll be fine.

This is how I’ve always done it and have had no issues. I assumed that’s how you were meant to do it. Are there even any official instructions on what to do?

You sure? I always replace and never got a problem.I can even choose back to a pawn in the middle of a game

I’m not sure it doesn’t work. I never had problems with it. I just replace the piece (caputured or from promotion pack). But if he has had troubles and is scared to do this he can follow the simple guidelines and it should be fine :wink:.

This should all work (including selecting on screen and then replacing with queen).

We will test in the office and see if we can reproduce. If it happens again, please report here with the details again.

I had this exact problem playing against a bot more than once. (This is why I’m not trusting ChessUp to play against people on yet.) So if anyone from QA is reading, this might help narrow down the issue.

The bot interface is done different than live play and likely the cause. I think this is a bot interface issue

(we will test it out)