Option to only light up when in Check

Hey Guys!

it would be great if there was an option where the lights only show up when in Check. App improved alot since the past. Keep up the good work.

This has been a very popular request (no lights mode).

When implemented - it will probably include confirmation blinks on completed moves, pinned blinking, check, etc. Those are necessary to have feedback that the game is tracking and legal.

We would only remove the legal move lights.

Some of the difficulty is that this only has UI to set through the app, and not on the board itself. So it takes all developers (the board, iOS, and Android) and UI design - so it is a bigger change than it initially seems.

Some day it will get done, I just don’t expect it until late this year.

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Presently the “just show legal moves” is assist mode 1. Perhaps it could be integrated into the board’s UI as assist mode 0? This would logically show as the human-player icon and no bars lit.

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